Frequently Asked Questions

Forgotten password - Password reset

University of Economics in Bratislava has assigned several user accounts to you:

  1. Microsoft 365 Account (email)
  2. University Account
  3. eduroam WiFi Network Account
  4. ais2 Account

1. Microsoft 365 account is used for accessing your email inbox, MS Teams, moodle, and other systems that allow login through Microsoft. Please install Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile phone. You can change the account credentials through the portal:

2. University Account can be set up through the portal University Account is primarily used for accessing external applications such as Turnitin, Safeid, EduGAIN, and other university federations. We strongly recommend using different passwords.

3. You can obtain access credentials for the eduroam WiFi network through the portal

4. AIS2 Account is assigned to you by the study department. Password reset can be performed in person at the study department or through our helpdesk.

If you encounter further issues, please create a ticket on the helpdesk or contact us by phone at +421 2 6729 5555.

Last Updated 8 months ago

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